Monday, August 25, 2008

The week ahead

This week is going to be so busy. For one thing I'm going to do my big fall cleaning. A smarter person would've planned this for next week after Labor Day when we're going to take off from school, but Christian's birthday party is this weekend and since everyone is coming over to grill out I want the house to be clean and shiny. And at least this way I'll be able to really relax and enjoy our break next week.
Besides the big clean up and preparing for the party, I'm also trying to get clothes together for the big kid's clothing sale. I usually spend about a week getting all of that in order, but it sort of snuck up on me this year. I had hoped to volunteer to help with the sale this year, but I won't have time. Maybe next spring.
It's also my Grandpa's birthday so we're going to go to his house on Friday night for his party. I can hardly wait - I love going to my grandparent's house!
Let's see, what else...there's library day tomorrow and preparing for the class I'm leading on Wednesday night. There's school and let's not forget the requisite grocery shopping expedition. And I'd like to squeeze haircuts for me and Brenna in there sometime...
But I'm oddly excited about getting all of this done. Something about the change of the seasons always gives me a boost. And I love fall. I'm already trying to figure out if we can squeeze in a trip to the mountains and making plans for our annual field trip to the pumpkin patch. I'm hoping to list what I get accomplished on here later today. We'll see!


Anonymous said...

You Wrote:

"I got to go to my first LIFT (that's Ladies In Fellowship Together - have you ever heard such a corny name for a women's ministry group? I might have been the one that came up with that. Either way, we need a cooler name) meeting since before Jack was born."

My mother first came up with the Idea in Kansas in the Early Eighties at Burr Oak Church of the Nazarene, she was the pastor's wife. She was trying to think of a cool name and prayed about it and the Lord Gave her this name. Her name was Sandy. I don’t think it is corny. Women need to be lifted up together in Fellowship and the name helps promote that unity, a "flag" to rally around.


Pastor Terry Ledford

Shannon said...

Goodness, that was awhile back:) If your mom was the first to come up with that name I sure didn't mean to insult her. The idea of using an acronym that spells a word for the name of a ministry does seem a little corny to me, but we do it for lots of things in the church. The message behind the group - that women need each other and need to be lifted up by one another - is certainly extremely important. Besides corny can be fun:)
Thanks for stopping by - I know how busy you must be! Great church website, by the way.