Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Quick Homeschool Idea

One of my ideas for this year is to incorporate some new things into our homeschool, to fill in a few holes. One of the problems I've been having is keeping up with our reading. For one thing, we read in spurts and I wanted reading to become more of a daily habit. Also we would bring books home from the library and wind up reading them all in one morning the day they were due:( And I could never remember what we had read and I had no way of knowing approximately how many books we were reading. So...I've been browsing at lots of wonderful blogs to get ideas and I ran across this great idea at By Sun and Candlelight. And our new reading program was born.
Each month I'll make or buy some small decorations (snowflakes for January, maybe hearts for February) and when we read a book, we'll write the title on it and hang it on the french doors at the end of the school/play room. At the end of the month I can take them down and copy the titles into a word.doc and then throw the decorations away. I also cleared off the sofa table at the other end of the room to display the books I want to read for each week. We'll read those during Snack and Story time (Levi's brilliant idea). One idea he didn't care for at first was a daily reading time. We've always had quiet rest time (mommy's sanity demands it) and it used to be that they were occasionally allowed to watch a few shows during QRT (Levi and Brenna, anyway, Jack still naps in his room and Christian usually naps near me), but you know how fast that went from occasionally to every stinking day. So now the first part of QRT is reading time for Levi and picture-reading time for Brenna, then the second part is a show mommy picks or a real rest.
The first two days were a struggle (I want to watch tv. I don't like those books. I'm done already, why can't I get down. Etc.) But today went perfectly and I am greatly encouraged. At a baby shower once we all went around the circle and gave the new mommy one word "gifts" that she would need to be a good mother. I remember someone said love, someone said patience. I don't remember what I said back then with only one perfect angel to my name (I think he was a couple of weeks old at the time), but I know what I'd say now. Perseverance! No matter how strong willed they are, my will has to be stronger (or fake it til you make it, right?).

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